
Setting Up Auto-Reply

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To set up automatic reply settings for an email address:

  1. Go to Mail > email address > Auto-Reply tab.
  2. Select the Switch on auto-reply checkbox, and specify the
    following settings:
    • Auto-reply message subject.
    • Message format. We recommend that you leave the option Plain
      selected because some of your recipients might be unable to
      see the text formatted with HTML.
    • Message text.
    • Forward to. If you want to forward incoming messages to
      another email address, type an email address in this box.
    • Send an automatic response to a unique email address no more
      (the specified number of times per day). The default value
      is “1 time a day”, meaning that if your mailbox receives several
      messages from the same email address in one day, Plesk will send
      automatic response only to the first message. If the value is “2”,
      than Plesk will send automatic response for the first and the
      second messages, and so on.
    • Attached files. If you want to attach a file to your message,
      click Browse and select a file.
    • Switch off auto-reply on (the specified date). Select this
      checkbox if you want the automatic replying to stop on a specific
      date, for example, the date when you return from holidays.
  3. Click OK.

To switch off automatic replying:

Clear the Switch on auto-reply option and click OK.

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