To adjust the PHP settings, go to Service Plans > select a plan >
PHP Settings tab. On this tab you can do the following:
Define the PHP version (PHP version) and handler type to use
(run PHP as). This setting is only available on the service plan
level. -
Configure a range of predefined PHP settings. These settings are
mostly performance and security-related, but some of them may affect
the website functionality. Click theicon next to
an option to learn more about it. -
Configure any PHP settings by placing them in the Additional
directives section. Use the same syntax as you use forphp.ini
For example, if you want to automatically load themSQL
extension, add the
.Note: Administrator can set additional PHP directives to a particular
subscription. In this case, the subscription does not get the
Locked status. Therefore, the added directives and other changes
in PHP settings can be lost when the subscription is synchronized
with the service plan.