
Changing Virtual Directory Settings

To change settings of a virtual directory within a website:

  1. Go to Websites & Domains and find the website’s domain name.

  2. Click Virtual Directories.

  3. Browse to the directory whose preferences you want to change, and
    click the corresponding icon , or click Directory
    when inside the required directory.

  4. Change the settings as required:

    • Name - specify virtual directory name.

    • Path - specify the path to the physical directory to which the
      virtual directory is linked.

    • Script source access - select this checkbox to allow users to
      access source code if either Read or Write permissions are set.
      Source code includes scripts in ASP applications.

    • Read permission - select this checkbox to allow users to read
      files or directories and their associated properties.

    • Write permission - select this checkbox to allow users to
      upload files and their associated properties to the virtual
      directory or to change content in a write-enabled file. Write
      access is allowed only if browser supports the PUT feature of the
      HTTP 1.1 protocol.

    • Directory browsing - select this checkbox to allow users to
      see a hypertext listing of the files and subdirectories in the
      virtual directory.

    • Log visits - select this checkbox if you want to store the
      information about visits to the virtual directory.

    • Create application - select this checkbox to make the web
      directory an IIS application. The directory becomes logically
      independent from the rest of the website.

    • Execute permissions - select the appropriate program execution
      level allowed for the virtual directory.

      • None - allow access only to static files such as HTML or
        image files.
      • Scripts only - allow running scripts only, not executables.
      • Scripts and Executables - remove all restrictions so that
        all file types can be executed.
    • Allow to use parent paths - select this checkbox to allow
      using double period in the path name when referring to a folder
      above the current directory. This enables users to move up the

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