
Changing the Website Header Elements

The site header consists of the following elements:

To change a banner image or other elements (logo, site name, slogan,
or text):

  1. Click the banner image.

  2. Click the thumbnail in the Image list menu.

  3. Do any of the following:

    • To use an image from the library, select it. To find relevant
      images, type a keyword into the input box. To hide the images that
      do not match the website’s color scheme, select the Suitable by
      color scheme
    • To use your own image or a Flash file in the SWF format, click
      Upload, and select the file that you want to use. Images
      should be in the GIF, JPEG, and PNG formats, preferably not wider
      than 900 pixels.
    • To remove an image, select the option No image.
  4. If you want to resize a banner, drag the icon <img src="image/png;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAD/ACwAAAAAAQABAAACADs=" data-default-src="/en-US/obsidian/customer-guide/images/73485.png" data-webp-src="/en-US/obsidian/customer-guide/images/73485.webp" data-webp-srcset="/en-US/obsidian/customer-guide/images/73485-480w.webp 480…

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