Sectigo SSL

What is SSL?
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client—typically a web server (website) and a browser. Therefore, SSL protects user data during transfer. It is especially important for sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, login credentials, and so on.
All browsers have the capability to interact with secured web servers using the SSL protocol. However, the browser and the server need what is called an SSL certificate to be able to establish a secure connection.
Who needs SSL?
Any website owner that needs to securely transmit information over the Internet requires the use of SSL certificates. These days, an SSL certificate is a necessity rather than a luxury. Apart from securing data transfer, an SSL certificate improves customer trust and makes your website rank higher in search results.
Sectigo in Plesk
Sectigo SSL is not a standalone extension. It works only in tandem with the SSL It! extension. To issue and manage SSL certificates, you need to install both the Sectigo SSL and SSL It! extensions.
Why Sectigo?
- Sectigo is the world’s largest commercial Certificate Authority with more than 700,000 customers and over 20 years of experience in online trust.
- Sectigo is the market leader in SSL/TLS certificates, DevOps, IoT, enterprise-grade PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) management, and multi-layered web security.
- Sectigo offers the most comprehensive suite of SSL certificates for literally every budget and use case.
- Sectigo has received numerous industry awards and recognition for its innovation, products, and best-in-class global support that helps customers secure today’s digital landscape and future proof their businesses for tomorrow.
- The Sectigo executive team includes industry veterans from Comodo, VeriSign, Symantec, Entrust, and DigiCert, bringing more than 200 years of combined experience in the PKI industry as well as other technology spaces.

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