Plesk Migrator

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Plesk Migrator


The new and improved Plesk Migrator user interface covers features previously available in CLI (Command Line Interface) only, giving your migrations heightened stability and improved performance. Gain control by seeing exactly what is migrated and what stage it’s at. No need to call command line utilities to perform migrations. Enjoy a more granular process, with different phases per subscription, completely for free!

  • Ability to run various operations within migration of a subscription: pre-check (software compatibility), post-migration check (validates that major services of subscription are up and running on destination after migration completed), subscription data synchronization, objects synchronization (in case some changed on source server while migration in progress).
  • Detailed queue status for subscriptions selected for migration, showing operation in-progress for all selected subscriptions.
  • Variety of cool new features: subscriptions mapping to other client / reseller / plan / IP on destination server before migration started.
  • "Finish migration feature" – gracefully end migration of all subscriptions that started being migrated.
  • Simple mode: lets to do bulk migration of many subscription at once.
  • Advanced mode: lets you customize the process for each subscription.

Install Plesk Migrator extension

Hostname or IP or URL of your Plesk instance: