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This extension protects Linux servers against critical security flaws and vulnerabilities. It installs kernel updates on the fly without rebooting the server. KernelCare offers the following benefits:

  • Checks for updates every four hours.
  • Supports manual or automatic updates.
  • Allows to roll back changes.
  • Displays the server uptime.

View the supported operating systems.

Read more about KernelCare.


KernelCare is a paid extension. Purchase a subscription to start using it.

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KernelCare Security Patching

KernelCare automatically installs security updates to running kernels – so your servers don’t need rebooting. When the next vulnerability hits, whether small or earth-shattering like Meltdown, your servers get protection without downtime. Plus it gets rid of the following Admin headaches:

  • Avoid complicated planning of coordinated, scheduled downtime for your customers
  • Stop troubleshooting and updating servers at night and on weekends
  • Keep kernels secure as updates are automatically installed within hours of the patch release, not a month later.

Free to use for 30 days – purchase required for continued kernel live-patching.

KernelCare Features:

  1. No need to reboot your servers – kernel patches are installed on running servers
  2. Checks for new patches every 4 hours
  3. Runs in the background, without any impact on systems
  4. Quick and simple single-line install
  5. Supports either manual or automated updates
  6. Allows to roll back updates
  7. Displays server uptime and current effective kernel version
  8. Supports many operating systems

Learn more with this 90-second video.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Install KernelCare extension

Hostname or IP or URL of your Plesk instance: