Tag cloud hosting
Cloud server management vs shared server management: Which one\s for you? Here are the pros, the cons and a deep comparison between the two.
Hidden Blockchain Opportunities (1): Hosters, Cloud Providers & Plesk
Cryptocurrencies lost a chunk of their value in the last nine months – and I lost most of my money! Blockchain and legal cryptocurrency issues – Ring any bells? You may have heard about the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto inventing the…
Explaining cloud web hosting
Find out more about how cloud web hosting works, and the benefits of hosting a website in the cloud.
When CTO, Jan Loeffler, reveals Plesk Hosting Tactics at Cloudfest 2018 [Video]
Our Plesk CTO, Jan Loeffler, made his grand entrance at CloudFest, Rust, yesterday. As he entered the main forum room bouncing a Plesk-branded football, the Fifa World Cup anthem came on for all to hear. He was going to share…