Tag Cloud

WebPros at CloudFest 2023

With 6,000+ participants, 250+ speakers, and 150+ partners from 65 countries, Cloudfest is bigger and bolder than the rest. Therefore, we were eager to be present this year to continue our tradition of sponsoring and attending the world’s #1 Cloud…

What is CloudOps?

What is CloudOps? Glad you asked! It may sound like a shady government department operating at the fringes of the law, all dark suits, and dark glasses, but it’s slightly less dramatic than that. It is related to ‘cloud operations’…

Cloud Security Innovations and Trends 2021

Cloud security Plesk blog

Cloud technology has now become an environmentally-friendly storage solution and an incredible platform to produce and leverage data. It has the efficiency to fulfil enterprise dreams by redesigning and reshaping business models without compromising its flexibility. Today, businesses across all sectors…