
Holiday Stories with Jens Meggers, our New WebPros CEO

Happy holiday season to all Plesky people around the world! The year 2020 has brought us all manner of things. And sadly, some of them haven’t been exactly what we wished for. The global pandemic has left many businesses uncertain about their future. And at Plesk, we had to re-route our roadmap to focus on helping our customers stay open and connected during these unprecedented times.

Although this year’s been quite a difficult one, we’ve still managed to celebrate all sorts of events while staying indoors. For example, Plesk has had its 20th anniversary, released new products such as Plesk Premium Email, powered by Kolab and SolusIO, and launched the Next Level Ops Podcast. And, on top of that, 2020 has brought a new CEO for the WebPros Group (in case you missed this info, WebPros is the leading website hosting automation software global provider that comprises cPanel, Plesk, SolusIO, WHMCS, and XOVI).

To wrap up the year, we want to celebrate this fresh arrival together with our wide community and share the bliss and the jolliness of this holiday season. So, here’s this year’s episode of the Plesk Holiday Stories. This time featuring Jens Meggers, our new WebPros CEO.

The Life of a CEO During the Holiday Season

Welcome to the family, Jens. To warm-up, why don’t you tell us (and our readers) a bit about yourself?

I have a large family with five kids and a dog. After spending time at work and with my family, there is little time left. But that doesn’t stop me from enjoying my hobbies. These are gaming, coding, kite surfing, and triathlon.

I grew up in Germany but relocated to California in my early 30th. When I got my first computer as a teenager, I fell in love with creating software. And that has not changed as of today.

What’s a typical day for Jens Meggers during the holiday season? Any advice on how to cheer up the mood?

I take it slow. Run, swim, and bike in the morning. And then stay indoors in the afternoon. My advice for this year is to ramp up the geek level – Watch as many new movies as you can, play as many new games as you want, and get a VR system.

What would be your jolly, memorable holiday story to share? 

Starting a few years back, most tech companies started to close operations during the core holiday days. Most people protested, but it was a real game-changer with almost zero emails and messages for almost ten days. It was epic!

Which are your favorite dish, drink, and city in winter?

I love the taste and the warmth of German Gluehwein, also known as spiced wine or mulled wine, at the Christmas markets. But unfortunately, nothing like this is really available here in California, where I live.

As the CEO of WebPros, you must find yourself very busy. Do you follow any routine to keep your energy levels high and increase productivity? Any tips you’d like to share with the Plesky community?

I always try to balance screen time with outdoor activities. There’s always something to do. I pick activities that don’t take too long. A 5k run after work only takes 25 minutes, or a 2k swim can be done in 45 minutes. Make sure to get 6-7 hours of sleep. And of course, always secure access to good coffee!

How about offering a sneak peek of what 2021 holds for Plesk and its users?

We have tons of great things coming. I’m super excited about 2021 and the innovative products we are going to launch. Stay tuned! 

Holiday Greetings from Plesk!

Thank you, Jens, for sharing such great advice! We’ll surely take you seriously if we want a productive mind and an active body for 2021. And good luck with your sporty activities, we’ll cheer for you!

So… another year has gone by. And we want to thank our readers for being such an important part of Plesk. We wish you all a happy holiday! 

Keep your eyes open if you want to read more articles like the one from Jens Meggers in the new year. Do you want to share your holiday stories or memories with us? Let us know in the comments below. See you next year!

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