
WordCamp Singapore 2017 – A Plesk Recap

Plesk at Wordcamp Singapore 2017

Plesk flew thousands of miles to join over 200 people from all across the globe in this year’s WordCamp Singapore. As a proud Bronze Sponsor, we set up our booth in Suntec City Expo Center’s main hall. Then, interacted with our friends from the WordPress community.


Conference Day at WordCamp Singapore

The WordCamp event opened up with a traditional quiz, which we loved. Did you know the first WP version was called Miles Davis? Then on that high, we went on to the inspiring talks held by 20 international speakers. They hailed from the likes of Google, Automattic, HumanMade and more local and global WordPress businesses.

The schedule was bursting. But we were simply impressed by the open and sincere sharing of thoughts about regular WordPress pains. We delved into self host vs. host with provider, security concerns, how to fit SEO and marketing analysis into your blog or ecommerce site, and much more. Lots to think about.

Not only that, but a few people also came to check out what we brought to the place and find some common ground or “cool want” as they called it. Good thing WordPress Web Host just opened to provide a beneficial platform for users.

Meanwhile, in the main hall, we networked, ate and visited more sponsor booths!


What’s a WordCamp conference without an after party, right? This one was nice and cozy, set at Harry’s, just 5 minutes walk from the convention center. A shout out goes to Jon Ang for buzzing along the tables not letting the fun simmer down. Thanks Jon, you made that night!

Contributor and Workshop Day

This was the first Contributor and Workshop Day in WordCamp Singapore, and boy was it fun. One family-like atmosphere, where all people from any background could sit with their laptops and did what they loved. All while giving back to the WordPress project. No experience is needed. You can find out more about what went on here.

Thanks HumanMade

HumanMade did a nice job organizing the event. They had their work cut out for them being such an enormous gig, yet we came off feeling comfortable, immersed and entertained. In the words of Schwarznegger: “we’ll be back”.

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