Jörg and I have recently represented Plesk at WordCamp Nijmegen – the first ever Local event in The Netherlands. We were met by perfect organization, led by Taco Verdonshot. This paired with the high quality of the talks and speakers makes us hope this wasn’t a one-time edition.
Have a look at the cool, new Plesk Swag we entertained our attendees with. Our booth was surely emitting a fun atmosphere during the whole event.
Meet us for some nice #Plesk swag at #wcnmgn
Fun atmosphere guaranteed! @JStrotmann @CaroleOlinger @DeFries @Buxert @louis_wolf pic.twitter.com/3ag8tHbuzB— Plesk (@Plesk) September 2, 2017
Great WordCamp Community and Program
We were swept away by how welcoming the Dutch WordPress Community was and the varied program they gave us. There were speakers who even spontaneously switched their presentation from Dutch to English to accommodate the foreign attendees.
This WordCamp came with two tracks – and there was going to be something for everybody. From WordPress beginners to advanced developers.
So we kicked off – with Joost de Valk‘s keynote “5% voor de toekomst” (“5% for the future“). Joost took on all the different ways we can contribute to the open-source project that is WordPress.
Great keynote from @jdevalk at #WCNMGN about giving back and contributing to #WordPress #5forthefuture @WordCampNmgn pic.twitter.com/7eytUhS3FE
— Plesk (@Plesk) September 2, 2017
Emceeing on the Nijmegen Stage
With pleasure, I introduced my husband, Alain Schlesser, who gave the Nijmegen audience valuable basics of OOP plugin development. Yet my more emotional moment on stage came after the last morning lightening talk by Yvette Sonneveld.
Yvette inspired us by sharing her experience and pleasure of volunteering at WordCamps. Then, she ended her contribution by thanking me for my support over the last two weeks. Support that I gave before her very first talk as a WordCamp speaker. Yvette even quoted me in her last slide and took me in for a big hug on stage.
Very emotional moment for me at #WCNMGN
Thanks @yvettesonneveld You are amazing – not only as a speaker! pic.twitter.com/YgFCoWzlZE— Carole Olinger (@CaroleOlinger) September 2, 2017
The Next WordPress Generation in Nijmegen
Another WordCamp Nijmegen highlight for us was the engagement from our youngest WordPress enthusiasts. CoderDojo Nijmegen took them under his wing and they learned to build their first WordPress site during the event!
Having fun with the next #WordPress generation and Coderdojo at #WCNMGN.
Plesk is easy as 1-2-3 😆@JStrotmann @ary_samsura @WordCampNmgn pic.twitter.com/4Lw6P7dpvf— Plesk (@Plesk) September 2, 2017
Thank you WordCamp Nijmegen
WordCamp Nijmegen and WordPress Contributor Day managed to ride the success of the Local Brighton event in the eyes of Plesk and myself. Check out all the fun we had in the photo recap below. Thanks for an awesome weekend Nijmegen and “Tot ziens!” (goodbye!)

Photographer: Carole Olinger for Plesk
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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