Top Hosting Providers for WordPress Developer Features

Not all hosting providers are developer-friendly. They’re nice guys and all – but they simply may not have what you need to grow. But what WordPress developer features should you be looking out for? Let’s talk about PHP management and auto-updates, WP-CLI, WordPress Mass Management, Secure Shell (SSH) Access, Git.

Important WordPress Developer Features

Important WordPress Developer Features

We all want to make a great impression. So do hosting providers when presenting themselves to the developers. However, you should know better what’s just glitter and what’s substance. Here are the winning features they should provide.

PHP Management and Auto-Updates

One of the reasons you may choose to buy something over another is the flexibility of change anytime you want. The same goes for hosting providers who offer the ability to change the version of PHP used for WordPress. They may also let you activate/deactivate various PHP modules. Where PHP is involved, you need to look out for hosting providers with top performance too.

Coming second as preference are the providers who only offer the ability to change the version of PHP used for WordPress – but not PHP modules. Only being able to modify PHP variables without a PHP version or module management just isn’t good enough to consider.

Hosters need to find a way for WordPress core to update itself automatically, without having to take any actions. Auto-updates can be by default – and it’s equally fine if a setup wizard or control panel is in place. Providers who offer no assistance with updates or management around updates don’t make the cut.


Nobody likes bottlenecks – hence, providers who offer the ability to utilize WordPress WP-CLI as a built-in feature are excellent choices. Or simply if they allow the use of WP-CLI from local or remote hosting.

WordPress Mass Management

Multitasking is the way forward in almost everything we do nowadays. In the WordPress sphere, this means being able to perform multiple actions with a single click – Or even the same action on multiple sites simultaneously. Such as applying updates to WordPress core, plugins and/or themes, security checks or any sort of analysis.

For more info on how you can get a handle on self-management, check out our detailed article on Managed vs. Unmanaged WordPress Hosting. Choosing managed or unmanaged hosting depends on your needs, but ultimately WordPress mass management should fall into your consideration.

Secure Shell (SSH) Access

Providers who offer the ability to access WordPress via SSH go on the winning list. SSH does not need to be available by default. But if the customer wants it, the provider should make it easy to enable it.


We like it neat. Git allows you to group the changes in the source code so you have them at hand later on. Providers who offer some type of Git integration or services are part of this category.

Top-Performing Hosters for WordPress Developer Features

Top Hosters for WordPress

When it comes to WordPress web developer top performers, in the Cloud Spectator Report you can find the winners. The only ones who got an A, but not an A+ were HOSTPRESS, CONETIX, and ZNETLIVE with 92%. The hosting providers have in place WP-CLI, mass management, auto-updates, SSH updates, Git, and only partial PHP management.

Second rankers are A2Hosting, BLUEHOST, HOSTINGER. They have full PHP management in place, but missed on implementing either Git, in case of A2Hosting, or mass management – the latter two.

The Raspberry Awards in this category go to, FlyWheel, and Pressable. All of them failed to implement four of the must-haves to get a developer-friendly badge. Therefore, we’ve narrowed down the essential list of WordPress developer features that hosting providers shouldn’t miss. Look out for PHP management, WP-CLI, mass management, Git, and SSH access.

WordPress Features, from Plesk to Developers

Plesk WP Toolkit makes a great impression on even the more advanced developers for its one-click “build – secure – run” features. That are simple, yet appeal to both amateurs and experts.

WordPress Toolkit

Build with Plesk WP Toolkit

When building a WordPress website, a developer needs to be fast and furious. Plesk’s WordPress Toolkit provides easy installation, a staging environment, and theme and plugin management. In one click, you’ll download WordPress, then create a database with a DB user and an admin account.

The staging environment allows you to experiment with new ideas and only when you are convinced by them, will you go forward. You can also push the on/off button for plugins on one or several WordPress instances. From WP Toolkit 4.0 upwards, you even get remote management. Basically letting you bring any WordPress instances on remote Plesk servers to your WP Toolkit management area.

Security at Hand

Click on the magic Secure button to detect and protect your core installations. Just check for the items you wish to harden, push the button and carry on. Here you’re getting the latest security recommendations and best practices from WP Codex and WP security experts. Meaning you don’t need to be a security expert or have an on-hand team – because it’s already there for you.

Run and Play

When you hiccup, you drink a glass of water. When your site hiccups, you run Restore Points, and everything goes the way it used to be. Bug invasion? Plesk WP Toolkit is going to keep you away from it with debug management.

When updating your WordPress plugins or themes, go into the maintenance mode with a single click. Moreover, with WP-CLI, you can import a database, create a new user, and update themes in a flash.

It’s not an amateur tool, so it’s for the WordPress developers with a bit more experience.  But it’s a small purchase that helps you save a lot of time. Hence becoming more productive, cost-effective – and ultimately more profitable.

We’d love to hear your experiences with developer-friendly providers. So drop a line in the comments and let us know if we got it right or wrong!

One comment

  1. Also Hostalia Hosting has WordPress Toolkit ready. This funcionality is absollutelly a MUST in any hosting!

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