Elvis Plesky

Elvis Plesky

Our fun and curious team mascot's always plugged into the latest trends. He's here to share his knowledge and help you solve your tech problems.

WordPress Firewall – Why Do You Need One?

WP firewalls Plesk blog

Hackers have increasingly sophisticated tools at their disposal, which is why your WordPress website may be more vulnerable to attack than ever. But keeping your site secure can be incredibly time-consuming if you try to handle it all yourself. That’s…

Server Management: IP Mapping Guideline

When you migrate domains from one server to another, you’ll need to configure them so that they use the destination server’s IP addresses. This process is known as IP mapping, and it’s something that can be done either manually or…

SSH Keys: A Guide for Beginners

It’s likely that you’ve encountered the term SSH keys if you’re familiar with cloud technologies (e.g. AWS) or you’ve spent enough time within an IT environment. And even if you’ve seen and heard SSH discussed many times, you may still…