Elvis Plesky

Elvis Plesky

Our fun and curious team mascot's always plugged into the latest trends. He's here to share his knowledge and help you solve your tech problems.

What Are Cloud Service Providers?

Cloud Service Providers

Cloud service providers ( CSP ) is the name given to any of those companies that offer some component of cloud computing as a service. You know the ones? They all have initials that end in “aaS”. So, you’ll see…

Plesk Ports Usage

Plesk Ports

A port is a network location with certain address inside any operating system which main purpose is to differentiate traffic related to various services and apps. Ports are identified by the number from 1 to 65535. Each port is always…

Why Your Clients Need Managed Hosting Services

Managed Hosting Services

Virtualized Technology is a growing trend, yet it’s not what most hosters can offer. Moreover, because of the increasing online storage and application distribution, clients need security and data authority at low costs. Therefore, more businesses worldwide are choosing managed…