To find specific accounts, specify your own search query in the search
box above the list of accounts. The easiest way to do this is to type
some value - such searching is performed against customer’s name and
email (see The “value” Notation).
For more specific searching, use attributes, such as a user’s phone
number or city, as filters in your search query (see The
“parameter:value” Notation).
You can specify multiple parameters in a single search query (see
Searching by Several Parameters). Also, you can specify several values
of one parameter (see The “parameter:value” Notation).
Note: The search operation is case-insensitive.
The “value” Notation
You just type the value you want to search for. For example, to search
for accounts that contain “John”, type the following search query:
A user is displayed in search results if the specified value is found in
either of the fields:
- Full name
- Login
- Alias (legacy Key Administrator login)
A search value can contain space, parentheses, hyphen, double quotation
marks, or other characters. If your search query contains only such a
value, you do not need to put this value into quotation marks. Otherwise
use double quotation marks. Examples:
John Smith
reseller:"John Smith"
The “parameter:value” Notation
Use the “parameter:value” notation to filter accounts by a certain
attribute (parameter).
Note: For the list of all parameters and usage examples, see Parameters
for Account Search.
To search for the accounts that do not have specific values, add a
minus sign (“-“) before the corresponding parameter:
-type:(customer, co) parent:"john gordon"
It finds accounts that are subordinate to any account that has “john
gordon” in its name, and are of any type except customer and customer’s
If a value contains space, parentheses, hyphen, or double quotation
marks, put such a value into double quotation marks. For example:
address:"Green st, 12"
This rule also applies to the “value” notation if your search query has
parameters both in “parameter:value” and “value” notations (see also
Searching by Several Parameters).
Use a backslash before any double quotation mark that is part of the
searched value.
Searching by Several Parameters
To include several search criteria in your search query, separate the
criteria by using space. Accounts that satisfy all the specified
parameters will be found.
For example, to find customers or operator accounts that are subordinate
to the reseller PA and have John Smith in their names, type the
following query:
reseller:PA "john smith"