Courier IMAP services is inactive after a Plesk update:
# systemctl list-units --all --state=inactive | grep courier
courier-imapd.service loaded inactive dead Courier IMAP server
courier-imaps.service loaded inactive dead Courier IMAP server with SSL/TLS support
courier-pop3d.service loaded inactive dead Courier POP3 server
courier-pop3s.service loaded inactive dead Courier POP3 server with SSL/TLS support -
journalctl -u courier-pop3s
shows the following error:courier-pop3d: /usr/lib64/couriertcpd: Invalid option: -noidentlookup
Product issue:
#PPPM-14541 "Fixed the issue where Courier IMAP did not start after updating to Plesk Obsidian 18.0.63."
Fixed in:- Plesk Obsidian 18.0.63 Update 2 19 August 2024 (Linux)
If update is not possible for some reason you may try the following
Until the bug is fixed, use the following workaround:
Connect to the server via SSH.
Delete the "-noidentlookup" option from the option TCPDOPTS:
# sed -i 's/TCPDOPTS="-nodnslookup -noidentlookup"/TCPDOPTS="-nodnslookup"/g' /etc/courier-imap/imapd /etc/courier-imap/pop3d
Restart services:
# systemctl restart courier-imapd.service && systemctl restart courier-imaps.service && systemctl restart courier-pop3d.service && systemctl restart courier-pop3s.service