A vulnerability in WP Toolkit > > Security Status > WordPress Vulnerabilities is shown for a WordPress plugin despite being updated to the "Fixed in" version.
The Patchstack "Fixed in" version is shown just as a major.minor version format: X.X
The plugin's file at <code>/wp-content/plugins/plugin_name/plugin_name.php:7</code> shows the version in a specific format. For example, as "3.5 | built on 19.10.2022 13:12".
Plugin version formats are different in Patchstack database and WP Toolkit.
Go to Domains > > File Manager
In the File Manager go to the plugin's folder: <code>/wp-content/plugins/plugin_name/</code> and open the plugin_name.php to edit
Manually change the version in the file to match the format that is shown in the Patchstack database
Save the file.