When accessing Plesk, the following error appears in a browser:
Service Unavailable.
HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable. -
application pool at IIS Manager > hostname > Application Pools is stopped. After starting it manually, the application pool stops on the next attempt to open Plesk in a browser. -
The following error messages appear in the Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application:
The worker process for application pool 'PleskControlPanel' encountered an error
'Cannot read configuration file due to insufficient permissions
' trying to read configuration data from file '?C:inetpubtempapppoolsPleskControlPanelPleskControlPanel.config', line number '0'.
The data field contains the error code. -
The following articles do not solve the issue Plesk for Windows Server shows 503 Service Unavailable: Cannot read configuration file or How to reconfigure the PleskControlPanel website in IIS
Lack of permissions for the psaadm user for C:Inetpubtemp
Connect to a Plesk server via RDP.
On Windows Explorer, right-click on
; -
Go to Properties > Security (tab) > Advanced >select psaadm > click on Edit;
Make sure that its NTFS permissions are set as follows:
Note: In case there is an explicit Deny enabled for the psaadm user or it is inherited, remove it and disable inheritance.
- Start the
application pool at IIS Manager > hostname > Application Pools;