Warning: This guide assumes that migration is performed onto a fresh 17.8.12 installation. Thus, keep in mind, that any existing data on the target WPB instance will be erased during migration.
Note: Information about the installed license will not be migrated. You will have to install the license on the target WPB instance manually.
- WPB 12.0.9 is installed on the source node
- WPB 17.8.12 is installed on the target node
- Root access for both nodes
I. Collect the data to be migrated
On the source node perform the following operations as user with sufficient permissions (root assumed):
Create archive directory:
# mkdir sitebuilder
Dump database contents:
# mysqldump sitebuilder5 > sitebuilder/sitebuilder.sql
Copy sites data:
# cp -a /usr/local/sb/htdocs/sites sitebuilder/sites
Copy private data:
# cp -a /usr/local/sb/private sitebuilder/private
Create archive:
# tar -czvf sitebuilder.tar.gz sitebuilder/
Move the archive to the target node
II. Unpack and restore the data
On the target node perform the following operations as root:
Unpack the archive:
# tar --no-same-owner -xf sitebuilder.tar.gz
Restore database contents:
# mysql sitebuilder5 < sitebuilder/sitebuilder.sql
Copy site files and restore site files permissions:
# cp -af sitebuilder/sites/* /usr/local/sb/htdocs/sites/
# chown -R wpb-fpm:wpb-fpm /usr/local/sb/htdocs/sitesSitebuilder was switched to php-fpm and now runs under separate user and group wpb-fpm:wpb-fpm instead of web server user and group.
Copy private data and restore permissions:
# cp -af sitebuilder/private/* /usr/local/sb/private/
# chown -R wpb-fpm:wpb-fpm /usr/local/sb/private -
Upgrade the sites:
# sw-engine /usr/local/sb/utils/upgrade.php sites
Install WPB license: go to https://<sitebuilder-vhost>/License and upload the license file