Plesk update failed and the following error can be seen on the log file
with the error below:INFO: pum is called with arguments: ['--update', '--json', '--', 'MariaDB-client', 'MariaDB-common', 'MariaDB-compat', 'MariaDB-server', 'MariaDB-shared', 'galera-4']
INFO: updating packages: MariaDB-compat MariaDB-client MariaDB-shared galera-4 MariaDB-server MariaDB-common
warning: /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/mariadb/packages/MariaDB-compat-10.5.19-1.el7.centos.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA512 Signature, key ID c74cd1d8: NOKEY
Importing GPG key 0xC74CD1D8:
Userid : "MariaDB Signing Key [email protected]"
Fingerprint: 177f 4010 fe56 ca33 3630 0305 f165 6f24 c74c d1d8
From :
ERROR: Didn't install any keys
ERROR: Exited with returncode 1. -
The server is running with RedHat-based OS.
MariaDB updated GPG key on February 2023: So they should be updated on RedHat-based OSes (CentOS, Cloudlinux, Amalinux, etc.) manually.
Item for improvement with ID PPPM-13906 was created to handle this situation from the Plesk side.
Connect to the server via SSH.
Execute the command below to update key:
# rpm --import
Re-run Plesk Update.