Applicable to:
- Plesk for Linux
- Unable to access subscriptions of the specific reseller with an error in Plesk GUI:
Access to the location account/switch is denied
- While trying to log in as a reseller there is an error:
Access is denied. Your account has been suspended.
There are no permissions for the
# plesk db "select login, roleID from smb_users where login='reseller_name'"
| login | roleID |
| reseller_name | 3 |
+-------------------------------+--------+# plesk db "select * from smb_roleGeneralPermissions where roleID=3"
# <empty output>
Missing entries in the Plesk database.
1. Connect to the server via SSH
2. For security reasons backup the Plesk database:
# plesk db dump psa > /root/psa_backup.sql
3. Check the ID of the reseller:
# plesk db "select login, roleID from smb_users where login='reseller_name'"
| login | roleID |
| reseller_name | 3 |
4. Run the following command to create permissions for the reseller with ID from the step 3:
# for i in {1..18}; do plesk db "insert into smb_roleGeneralPermissions (roleId,generalPermissionId,isAllowed) VALUES (3,$i,1)"; done