Importing a MySQL dump file to a subscription's database in Subscriptions > > Databases > Import fails with the following error:
ERROR 1118 (42000) at line 432: Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB may help. In current row format, BLOB prefix of 0 bytes is stored inline.
MySQL InnoDB requires database records to fit in the B-tree leaf page. See MySQL bug tracker, Bug #69336 for more details.
For Linux on CentOS, RHEL, CloudLinux
Connect to the server via SSH
Back up the MySQL configuration file
:# cp /etc/my.cnf{,.bak}
Add the following lines to the file in step 2. under [mysqld] section:
innodb_strict_mode = 0 -
Restart MySQL service:
# service mysql restart
Import the MySQL database
Restore backed up MySQL configuration file
# mv /etc/my.cnf.bak /etc/my.cnf --force
Restart MySQL service :
# service mysql restart
For Linux on Debian or Ubuntu
Connect to the server via SSH
Create a backup of the MySQL configuration file
:# cp /etc/mysql/my.cnf{,.bak}
Add the following lines to the file in step 2. under [mysqld] section:
innodb_strict_mode = 0 -
Restart MySQL service:
# service mysql restart
Import the MySQL database
Restore backed up MySQL configuration file
# mv /etc/mysql/my.cnf.bak /etc/mysql/my.cnf --force
Restart MySQL service :
# service mysql restart
For Windows
Connect to the server via RDP
Copy the file
Add the following lines to the file in step 2. under [mysqld] section:
innodb_strict_mode = 0
Restart MySQL service using Plesk Services Monitor
Import the MySQL database
Restore file
Restart MySQL service using Plesk Services Monitor