JSON query language (also known as JAQL) is a software suite utilized in conjunction with databases, for parsing, querying, or creating documents in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

As JSON is a standard data interchange format for producing documents like XML, and not an outright database type, there’s no dedicated standard query language.

Instead, a range of organizations have produced various independent languages that can be used for manipulating and parsing JSON documents.

How Does JSON Work?

JSON was created due to the demand for real-time, stateful client-server communication with no need to use browser plugins (e.g. Flash, Java applets), which was the standard procedure at the end of the ‘90s and start of the 2000s.

Originally, JSON was based on a JavaScript subset, but is a language-independent format. That means there’s no formal query language, though there is a wealth of implementations of a JSON query language.

What query languages work with JSON?


This is a functional data processing and query language for both Big Data applications and JSON alike. It was created as a Google open-source project, before IBM utilized it as the primary data processing language for Hadoop (their Big Data software).


As a functional programming and query language made for declarative query, this can also convert data collections into JSON, XML, and unstructured textual formats.


This performs the same function as the above, though it was produced for XML specifically. It also works with JSON and alternative formats.

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